Funding infrastructure in West Dapto: understanding the Section 94 Plan

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Consultation has concluded

The public exhibition period has now concluded. Thank you to those who submitted comments on the draft Plan. The draft documents will remain available for download in the document library to the right.

The West Dapto Section 94 Development Contribution Plan is the means for funding local infrastructure to support the growing population of West Dapto.

Council receives income from new development in West Dapto through a Section 94 Levy. The levy is paid by developers when they subdivide new lots. The levy is collected for housing on a 'per lot' basis and for industrial land a rate 'per hectare' is applied.

The draft West Dapto Section 94 Plan (the draft Plan) provides a list of all the projects that will be funded through the plan. These projects are summarised in the graphic below.

The Section 94 Levy is currently capped by law at $30,000 per lot. The draft Plan identifies a funding gap because the cost of providing the infrastructure is higher than the predicted income from development based on the cap. This funding gap will continue to widen over time as construction and land costs escalate each year while income from development remains capped.

To address this identified funding gap, Council will ask the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Review Tribunal (IPART) to review the draft Plan. If IPART agree that the draft Plan is reasonable, Council may be able to seek State Government funding to cover costs of infrastructure above the $30,000 cap.

Money collected under the Plan will help to fund the following for the West Dapto community: 

The public exhibition period has now concluded. Thank you to those who submitted comments on the draft Plan. The draft documents will remain available for download in the document library to the right.

The West Dapto Section 94 Development Contribution Plan is the means for funding local infrastructure to support the growing population of West Dapto.

Council receives income from new development in West Dapto through a Section 94 Levy. The levy is paid by developers when they subdivide new lots. The levy is collected for housing on a 'per lot' basis and for industrial land a rate 'per hectare' is applied.

The draft West Dapto Section 94 Plan (the draft Plan) provides a list of all the projects that will be funded through the plan. These projects are summarised in the graphic below.

The Section 94 Levy is currently capped by law at $30,000 per lot. The draft Plan identifies a funding gap because the cost of providing the infrastructure is higher than the predicted income from development based on the cap. This funding gap will continue to widen over time as construction and land costs escalate each year while income from development remains capped.

To address this identified funding gap, Council will ask the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Review Tribunal (IPART) to review the draft Plan. If IPART agree that the draft Plan is reasonable, Council may be able to seek State Government funding to cover costs of infrastructure above the $30,000 cap.

Money collected under the Plan will help to fund the following for the West Dapto community: